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C200 - Brown - Full Academic Year Contract

C200 - Brown - Full Academic Year Contract

C200 - Netherton, Lockwood, Greenhead, Marsh, Salendine Nook, Outlane, Sowood, Stainland, Holywell Green, West Vale

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Route Description: B6108 Meltham Road, A616 Lockwood Road, Folly Hall, Chapel Hill, Castlegate, New North Road, Edgerton Road, Halifax Road, Hungerford Road, Thornhill Road, A640 New Hey Road, B6112 Stainland Road, New Road, Stainland Road, Claypit Lane, Stainland Road, Green Lane, Stainland Road, South Parade, Stainland Road, Huddersfield Road, Salterhebble Hill, Huddersfield Road, Dryclough Lane, Skircoat Moor Road, Savile Park Road, Free School Lane


Afternoon - Departs School at 15:25 - Travels in reverse of above route


Payment Options


Advance Payments Contract

£80 Booking Deposit

£725 By 31st August

£725 By 1st February

Total Paid £1,530


Monthly Payments Contract

£80 Booking Deposit

£153 By 31st August

Then £153 Monthly - 9 payments by 28th of every month September to May

Total Paid £1,610


Your Travel Ticket will be sent to you by Email in August. This is a QR Code which has to be scanned every time passengers board the vehicle.

You will be sent an email to confirm boarding and be able to track the progress if you like.

If you do not want this information you will be able to switch it off from the links we send you.


How to Pay

By Card from your CTS Bus on-line account at


By Internet Banking or Standing Order to :-

Account Name - CTS Bus Ltd

Sort Code - 20-35-84

Account Number - 43056708

Reference - (add your booking reference number ) eg BR1234


You are commiting to a fixed period, single academic year, Contract regardless of how often you use the Home to School Bus Service. Payments must be made on time even if the service is interupted for any reason. CTS Bus are likewise commiting to provide the service for every day the school is open. You should be aware that the coach company can suspend or cancel a journey due to weather or other external event beyond the control of CTS Bus Ltd. No reunds will ge given for loss of journeys.


If you have any questions about your booking please send an email to




Payment Options

The price quoted under fares is the total cost for the full academic year. Your deposit is taken off the total before you work out the amount and how you wish to pay. At the point of booking you have to decide if you wish to pay in Advance or by Monthly payments. In all cases an initial £70 none refundable deposit is required to secure your place. The Contract is for the full academic year regardless of how many times you use the bus and a valid Travel Pass must be shown to the driver at the start of each journey. It is therefore essential that you send a photograph to so we can produce your travel pass. Please include the passengers name with the photograph. These are usually sent out just before schools break for the summer holidays.

Advance Payments

By deciding to pay in advance you save £80. This is because we have less administration costs and do not need to be checking payment allocations on a monthly basis. To take advantage of this offer you must pay £700 by the 31st August and the balance of £700 by the 1st February. If your first payment or your final balance is not received on time a reminder letter will be sent and you will be invoiced £20 per letter for late payment charges and administration costs. If your balance is not clear by the 2nd February you will be invoiced a further £80 and your account switched to monthly terms. If this happens the final balance must be cleared by the 31st May.

Monthly Payments

You can choose to spread the cost of travel over 10 months. If you choose to do so then after your deposit, you must pay £148 by the 31st August then 9 equal monthly payments ( September to May) of £148 to clear your balance with the last payment being completed by the 31st May. Any reminder letters sent, if your payment is late will be charged at £20 per letter. These will be invoiced to your account for late payment charges and administration costs. You have entered into a fixed term contract and all payments must be made.

Parents should view and discuss the Code of Practice with their children prior to using the bus. The Travel Pass is an important part of the contract and must be shown to the driver when boarding the bus both in the morning and afternoon. Replacement passes can be provided when a Travel Pass is lost, but there is a charge of £5 for each replacement pass.


It is important that you make CTS Bus aware of any special needs that we should know about regarding the use of the school buses. Including mobility, medical or any other factors for which we might have to offer assistance. We are an inclusive organisation who will at all times work to treat everyone equally.


It is advisable to have an emergency plan for if you miss the bus. They do not wait for passengers and pupils should ensure they leave school on time in the afternoon so as not to miss the bus. There is no provision for transport for after school activities or when a delay may be caused by detention or other external factors.


Morning Snow or early school closures that may delay or cause the buses to be cancelled will be advised by Text to those affected and a notice placed on our web site. Please do not call our office or out of hours number before 07:00 to check if the buses are running due to overnight snow. We will not be able to give you an answer untill the text messages and web site notice has been issued. If we do not run a service in the morning due to weather we DO NOT run the afternoon journey as well. This is to deter parents taking risks to get children to school who might then expect us to collect them in the afternoon. We do bring everyone home if the school has to close early due to weather and we liase closely with school and will advise parents of our planned departure time when ever it is necessary to return early from school.


All lost property is taken to the bus depots at the end of the shift. Where possible we try to return things on the bus route on the next available journey. So if anything is lost the first thing to do is check with your driver. Items remaining unclaimed at the end of the week are returned to school or held for 1 month at our offices. After 1 month items are disposed of and cannot be reclaimed.


An emergency phone number is included on the back of every travel pass. This enables each passenger to seek help or advise if they have a concern or problem on the bus. It is answered by our Safeguarding Lead, who will assist and is tasked to deal with any issues raised.


Where reference is made to a Departure Date, that is the end date of the annual contract and is usually dated as the end of July each Year. The buses operate on all Term Dates as shown on each of the schools web sites.

Below is a list of pick-up points available on this route.

Below is a list of pick-up points available on this route.

Name Address Times
Edgerton C Edgerton C
Thornhill Rd Opp Hungerford Rd Bus Stop
Forest Hill Stainland Road / Forest Hill Road Junction
Greenhead Greenhead
Park Gates Stop on Trinity Street
Holywell Green Holywell Green
Holywell Inn Bus Stop
Lockwood C Lockwood
Lockwood Bar Bus Stop
Netherton Netherton
Meltham Rd Chapel St
Outlane Outlane
Old Golf House New Hey Rd
Salendine Nook Salendine Nook
New Hey Rd / Helene Court
Sowood Sowood
Green Lane Bus Stop
Stainland Stainland
Mechanics Hall Bus Stop
West Vale B6112 Stainland Road Bus Lay-by
Opposite West Vale Primary School
From Price Book Now Call Back Telephone Favourites
31 Jul 2025 £1,530.00 Loading

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Contact Us

CTS Bus Ltd, Wellington House
Lincoln Street, Huddersfield, HD1 6RX